Theme tour: Is it a joke?

Ghost photo

Have you experienced something that you couldn't explain? A sound, a smell, something that moved just beyond the reach of the eye? If so, you are not alone. The vast majority of people have at one time or another experienced something in their lives that they call, for lack of a better word, 'ghosts'.

But a ghost has not always been the same. Over time, they have changed appearance, purpose and actions. They have been influenced by religion, folklore, fashion and Hollywood.

Join us on an exciting tour of the Museum Obscurum with Leif Plith Lauritsen and hear about the history of ghosts from ancient times to the present day.

Perhaps you yourself have an experience that you would like to share with us? And who knows? Perhaps you yourself experience something inexplicable in the Museum Obscurum?


The tour is not recommended for children under 12 years of age.

The doors close EXACTLY at 19. It is not possible to be admitted afterwards.


Please note: Unless otherwise stated, the event will take place in Danish.

16 May 2024



Museum Obscurum

Færgestræde 1a

4800 Nykøbing F.

Adults: DKK 115.

Children: DKK 30.

Annual card holder: DKK 50.

Museum Obscurum



Note: Danish only