
Opening hours

Tuesday: at 10.00 - 12.00

Thursday: at 14.00 - 16.00

as well as the second Saturday of the months
February, May and August: at 10.00 – 13.00

Also on Archives Day
in November: at 10.00 – 16.00

Falster's regional history archive

Falsters Egnshistoriske Arkiv was established in 1913 and physically separated from the Museum Falsters Minder in 1948. The archive is a member of the Association of Local History Archives (SLA), Local History Archives in Southeast Denmark (LASA) and is part of archive collaboration with the archives in Guldborgsund municipality. The archive is run by Museum Lolland-Falster with the help of volunteer labor.

Archives from associations, businesses, and individuals.
Map of Lolland-Falster and Nykøbing F., photos, tapes and video.

The collections include personal archives with archives of a very different nature. These can be memoirs, letters, real estate papers, target books and much more that all tell about a person's life and work.

The archive also contains business archives with submissions from various shops and companies in the archive's area. Finally, there are association archives with material from disused and existing associations of a very different nature.

In addition to this, the archive contains large collections of photographs and a number of maps of Lolland-Falster and Nykøbing F. The archive has guides and telephone books in various periods between 1878 and until now, and there is a small collection of books on literature about Nykøbing F.

The archive collects material from Nykøbing F. parish.

Archive leader:
Thomas Bogtoft Møller

Frisegade 45
4800 Nykøbing F.


Telephone: 51 21 25 73


Note: Danish only