
Latest press releases

10. October 2024

Night at the museum - free for children

Visit the Museum Obscurum by flashlight on 16 October

Do you dare to move around in the dark among vampires, fairy mummies and dragons? Visit the witch's parlor or come face to face with a werewolf? Then Museum Obscurum is the place for you during the autumn holidays. We will be open in the evening on Wednesday 16 October, where we will turn off all the lights in the exhibition, and your primary light source will come from the lantern you will be given on arrival.

We would like to give the exhibition an extra dimension during the autumn holidays and think it could be fun to keep it open in the evening. With the place's small rooms, floor distributions and, not least, mysterious contents, it will be like exploring a labyrinth, where only a little is revealed at a time.

Press release

Photo: Museum Lolland-Faster

3. October 2024

LOLA in the autumn holidays

Activities for the whole family in week 42

In week 42, you can have a special experience at the Stiftsmuseet in Maribo, when we invite you to a family tour of the exhibition about the Stone Age girl LOLA. Signe Fog Mogensen, archaeologist at Museum Lolland-Falster, dives into the exhibition's many stories, and you will get close to all the exciting and special things hidden in the exhibition.

During the autumn holidays, our tours are for both children and adults. After all, there were also children in the Stone Age, although they probably had a slightly different life to a modern child. But what was it like to be a child then? What did you eat? Did you have your own room? And where did you actually live?

Press release

Photo: Museum Lolland-Faster

1. October 2024

What is spiritualism?

Theme tour of the Museum Obscurum on 24 October

Cornelius SC Rödder's apartment in Nykøbing F. this autumn evening is the setting for a tour with a special theme – namely spiritualism, which was something that the population of the 1800th century cultivated in a big way.

The evening's small theme presentation, placed in the middle of the tour, focuses especially on the past 170 years of spiritualism and its use and abuse.

Press release

Photo: Museum Lolland-Faster

30. September 2024

Chew, enjoy and build

The open-air museum De Gamle Huse in Maribo is turning up the heat in weeks 42 and 43

In weeks 42 and 43, the open-air museum De Gamle Huse in Maribo will be filled with fun activities for the whole family. There is something here for the creative minds, the foodie and the competitive gene, and everyone can join.

We have put together the program for the autumn holidays, so there is something for all ages. It gives you the opportunity to have a wonderful day with the family, where you can try several different activities. Frilandsmuseet is beautiful in autumn with the many colors that surround the place, and we look forward to seeing a lot of autumn-happy families.

Press release

Photos: Museum Lolland-Faster

25. September 2024

Autumn holidays full of pranks

Visit the Museum Obscurum in weeks 42 and 43

The evenings are getting darker and it is not easy to see what is hiding in the shadows. The dark and unknown have always sparked thoughts and speculations about what's out there that we can't see. Throughout history, man has developed countless theories and tales and invented many mysterious creatures. One of the pervasive ones is the ghost, which can be found in most cultures.

In the Museum Obscurum's permanent exhibition, in weeks 42 and 43 you can see the special exhibition 'Spøger det?' The exhibition tells about ghosts throughout history and the many different guises they can take. Here you can listen to local ghost stories and delve into the stories of both Danish and foreign ghosts, animal apparitions and much more.

Press release

Photo: Museum Lolland-Faster

25. September 2024

Twilight walk in Halskov Vænge

During the autumn holidays, you can join archaeologist Marie Brinch on a tour of the historical forest Halskov Vænge

A quick look into the trees clearly shows that Halskov Vænge is no ordinary Danish forest. Between the trunks of the trees, both stone mounds and burial mounds appear, and a great many of them.

 In Halskov Vænge, ​​we have registered 6 stone cairns and 72 burial mounds, and the high concentration shows that the area was teeming with life in ancient times - more precisely in the Peasant Stone Age. Here the population has buried their dead and performed more or less occult rituals.

Press release

Photo: Museum Lolland-Faster

24. September 2024

Ghosts and ghosts

Theme tours in the Museum Obscurum during the autumn holidays

What actually happens when we die? Do we turn to dust, go somewhere else, or does our soul remain in this world? There are many theories, hopes and guesses, but what do you think?

An exhibition such as the Museum Obscurum and the Czar's House is the perfect setting for a tour that will be about ghosts and apparitions. We are here in some very old buildings which have experienced a bit of everything over the past centuries. And I wonder if one or two have died during the many years they have stood here on the edge of the square and the city? 

Press release

Photo: Museum Lolland-Faster

17. September 2024

Do you dare to be a ghost hunter?

Three days in week 42 you can go ghost hunting at Maribo's open-air museum De Gamle Huse with a real ghost detector kit

The unknown and the dark are the oldest forms of fear. A prevalent state of mind among 1800th century country folk where the night was black, the flickering candles cast mysterious shadows and the sounds of nature could play tricks on you.

Several people have experienced mysterious and inexplicable events when they have visited the open-air museum. There has been talk of ghosts and farm people and more. But is there something to the conversation? You can help find out when we invite all the curious to go into the dark in search of the mysterious and unknown. 

Press release

Photo: Museum Lolland-Faster


Note: Danish only