special exhibition
Something new, something old, something borrowed and something blue. Have you remembered it all? For this year, the Reventlow Museum opens its doors to weddings, wedding dresses, love and marriage on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of Christian and Frederikke Reventlow's festive wedding, which left the entire local community on edge.
A wedding is one of life's great moments. For many, it is even the beginning of a new life. This is how it is today, and it was not least like this in the old days, when the bride had to leave her own family to become part of a new family, in a new home and with a new status with all the rights that this entailed and duties, joys and sorrows.
We are marking the 250th anniversary with a new exhibition about weddings, wedding fashion and marriage through time. From Frederikke's recreated and wonderful wedding dress from 1774 to a number of modern manor ladies' beautiful wedding dresses from the last 50 years. It's about weddings, love and dress fashion, but also about finding your place and balancing duties, family traditions and personal dreams.
Through a series of events, the Reventlow Museum unfolds the theme of wedding, marriage, love and intimacy on the eve of the 19th century. Eat your way through Christian and Frederikke's wedding dinner as it might have been prepared in 1774, listen to 1700th-century languishing love songs, and learn more about sex, courtship and love letters in the time of the Reventlowers.
The exhibition can be experienced from 2 June to 31 August 2024.