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EAT M a/e D Lolland-Falster

SPIS M a/e D Lolland-Falster is a food culture project based on food's ability to gather,
support and strengthen the common connection, cohesion and pride based on Lolland-Falster's rich food culture.

SPIS M a/e D Lolland-Falster is rooted in both history, the present and the future.

EAT M a/e D Lolland-Falster is for everyone!

Drawing of vegetables

Food culture, education and communities

Madkulturprojekt shares experiences in an inspiring white paper

The experiences from the food culture project SPIS Ma/eD are disseminated in the white paper Food culture, education and communities, which should inspire others.

It is about Lolland-Falster's rich food culture and raw materials as well as education, communication and communities.


EAT M a/e D Lolland-Falster

SPIS M a/e D Lolland-Falster is supported by the Nordea Foundation, which has a non-profit purpose. The foundation supports activities that promotes good life in health, exercise, nature and culture. 

As such, the foundation has no finished recipe on the good life, but emphasizes support initiatives that strengthen communities.

Help us preserve Lolland-Falster's distinctive food culture

Museum Lolland-Falster and the food culture project SPIS M a/e D need your help.

Tell us about your recipes and food traditions with roots on Lolland-Falster.

In this way, you help us to map and preserve both old regional dishes and the use of ingredients as well as newer food traditions that have emerged on Lolland-Falster.

Lolland-Falster has a rich historical food culture, which is part of the islands' identity. Through SPIS M a/e D, we would like to collect and secure this for posterity, so that we preserve the nuances in the food culture that distinguish our region from the rest of the country.

Drawing of branch

Food traditions

Food traditions

Do you use smoked or fresh pork for bacon?

Should the kale be sweet, and do you serve it with browned potatoes or something completely different?

Do you eat sweets for Christmas?

These are apple slices fried in lard, which you split and pour a little schnapps into.

Tell us and the food culture project SPIS M a/e D, which schnapps you swear by, or whether you pour blackcurrant rum or something completely different in the slop sacks.

Drawing of fish
Drawing of apple

Shortly said

Write and tell us about your local food traditions and
help SPIS M a/e D Lolland-Falster to map our food culture
traditions and communities

Read Folketidende's article about SPIS M a/e D's collection

EAT M a/e D Lolland-Falster - in short

SPIS M a/e D works across generations and professions and offers the opportunity to get to know the local nature through a renewed knowledge of old knowledge about nature as a pantry.

SPIS M a/e D is based on food's ability to bring together, support and strengthen common attachment, cohesion and pride, based on Lolland-Falster's rich food culture.

SPIS M a/e D's project period runs from 1 April 2020 to the end of 2023



SPIS M a/e D wants to create a culinary curiosity by touching, tasting and smell through Lolland-Falster's food culture from the Stone Age and until today based on the cultivated local ingredients.
Through activities and events will we:

- invite everyone to gain a better understanding of cultural history through shared hands-on experiences and as actors in a living history

- create an understanding of how landscape and geography have affected our raw material base and the development of our local food culture

- recognize, collect, produce and not least taste ingredients and region-specific dishes together


SPIS M a/e D is implemented by Museum Lolland-Falster in an interdisciplinary collaboration with KOST from the metropolitan area.

Museum Lolland-Falster is a museum with a long history. We are Lolland-Falster's cultural history museum, and it is our most important task to collect, preserve and pass on the good stories about our part of Denmark. We have been doing this for more than 125 years.

BROOM is a food development company focusing on food substance. KOST develops meals, products and stories - based on gastrophysics, gastronomy and food history.


And much more

SPIS M a/e D is geographically located at Lolland-Falster in Guldborgsund and Lolland municipalities.

SPIS M a/e D has a physical project office in the Museum
Lolland-Falster's administration building at Frisegade 40,
Nykobing F.

From here, SPIS M a/e D must go out and meet producers, school students, vocational school students and other actors and citizens
where they are.

You can meet SPIS M a/e D at events and activities at Museum Lolland-Falster's many exhibition locations - just as we will also be at, for example, the Food People's Meeting and the Sakskøbing Fruit Festival.

SPIS M a/e D provides space for collaborations, both current and new, that are relevant and fruitful in the story of and development of the local food culture.

SPIS M a/e D is supported by Lolland LibrariesCOW FOOD of
University of Copenhagen, Taste for LifeFrederiksdal
Cherry wines, KnuthenlundSOIL, Slowfood Denmark, Lolland-Falster Lovestorm og Center for Vocational Education on Lolland Falster (CELF).

SPIS M a/e D wants to invite local producers, food actors
and enthusiasts as well as enthusiasts into the common positive narrative about Lolland-Falster's potentials.

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Frisegade 40, 4800 Nykøbing F

Tel. 5484 4400
Tuesday - Thursday: 10 - 14
Friday: 10 - 13

CVR: 32103316
Copyright © 2025 All rights reserved


Note: Danish only