The Darkest Night

The Mother's Night

Become a ghost hunter at the open-air museum De Gamle Huse on the evening of 17 + 18 October 2023. Several people have experienced mysterious and inexplicable events when they have visited the museum. There have been mentions of ghosts, farmhands and former residents with an unfinished task. But is there something to the conversation? You can now help find […]

Concert: Telemann in Kongesalen

Join us for an unforgettable evening with Telemann's wonderful music in the beautiful setting of the Reventlow Museum! Rarely has a composer been so satisfied with his own work as when Telemann referred to the performance of his 12 Paris Quartets (written 1730-38). In a letter he wrote: "I should mention the admirable performances of my new quartets, but there are [...]

Christmas at Herregården

Get in the Christmas spirit at the Reventlow Museum! For the first time, the Reventlow Museum opens its doors for an atmospheric visit to a Christmas-decorated Pederstrup. Experience the manor house beam of candles in the dim light of November, see what the very first small Christmas trees looked like that appeared on the Danish manor houses in the first decades of the 1800th century - and dream [[]


Note: Danish only