EGN event: Meet EGN at Madens Folkemøde

Meet EGN at the Food People's Meeting! Visit our stand and take part in our historical food quiz. At EGN's industry stand, you can become part of the stories and the EGN project yourself. So come by and tell us about your food memories or your local recipes. EGN is a food culture project based on food's ability to gather, support [...]

EGN event: Open Food Culture Laboratory

THE FATNESS OF THE SOIL Lolland and Falster are famous for having good, fat soil. This theme day is about the area's rich agricultural history and about peas! In these times, there is a lot of focus on the fact that we will eat more legumes in the future. The New Dietary Council recommends that we should eat many more pulses and there are now [...]

EGN event: For dinner at Lola

lola sold out

Join us for an exclusive evening with Stone Age food and lectures - and get a museum experience out of the ordinary! We repeat last year's great success and invite you inside the exhibition 'LOLA - Lolland's Stone Age'. Dive into Lola's world, see the amazing finds and hear experts tell about life and death in the Stone Age. Underway […]

EGN event: For coffee in Czarens Hus

Come inside one of Denmark's oldest inns when EGN Lolland-Falster and Museum Lolland-Falster invite you to a historic cake table in Czarens Hus. We cover up for an experience beyond the usual, where cake and pastries go hand in hand with the good story. Join us on a sensual and tasteful journey through the history of the cake […]

Christmas at Herregården

Get in the Christmas spirit at the Reventlow Museum! For the first time, the Reventlow Museum opens its doors for an atmospheric visit to a Christmas-decorated Pederstrup. Experience the manor house beam of candles in the dim light of November, see what the very first small Christmas trees looked like that appeared on the Danish manor houses in the first decades of the 1800th century - and dream [[]


Note: Danish only